Nineteenth Century Man Yells at Salesperson

Fin de siècle, for reason

isn’t rational, isn’t real,

bends under pressure,

push, pause, syllogism,

magnet traumas, lazy

bees baking under hot

rays, the end of an era,

for life should press,

should be malleable,

should become realer,

yet I suffer surrender,

even from strangers,

yet I anger reality,

in corners, under a

grate, poor me, sad

me, pitiful me, me

isn’t me, I isn’t I,

decry and lie is I

fin de siècle, for

summer is not mum,

a murmur aloud, a

glamorous sound,

an end again, I yell

through doors now,

and the voice speaks,

back to the front,

forward to and back,

lies aside,  next door,

next door, next door,

I’m sorry for ego, I’m

sorry for signs so loud,

for your home proud,

for your game allowed

fin de siècle, for when

an answer is moot, and

your meaning is aloof

~ by Shawn M. Young on June 25, 2024.

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